Rick L. Dewees is a former law enforcement officer who has a passion for the safety and personal protection of the average citizen. For over 20 years he has studied, combined, and developed principles and strategies to serve as the most effective self-defense tactics without the need for an individual to master any specific martial art.
Rick provides a wide variety of security and defense services.
Women's Defensive A.R.T Camp
March 19, 2022
Girls and women 6th grade and above
$25 Fee
Scholarships available
Some housing available

"For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline." -1 Timothy 1:7
A waiver will be sent to each participant to sign.
Women's Defensive A.R.T. Syllabus
- Staking Your Claim: Discovering Your Identity, Value and Purpose
- The Need for Self-Defense
- Taking Precautions
- Key Principles of Self-Defense
- Self-Defense Safety
- Self-Defense Tactics

This Defensive Anti-Rape Tactics course is designed specifically to equip women to rehearse, recognize, and respond to personal threats that have the potential to cause them harm.
"Empowering Girls and Women
A Spirit of POWER and Not Fear"