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"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master's happiness!'"  Matthew 25:23

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In our attempt to be faithful with what God has given us, Camp Christy is in the process of Remodeling, Rejuvenating, and Repurposing existing buildings and the grounds.  Our Revive Campaign has been put in place to encompass all of these projects.  


Check out the pages listed below for more info on each of these programs.


Adopt a Cabin


Lumber Jack Events


Solid Roots Tree Replanting Ministry


Humble Beginnings Remodel Project


Check out the Opportunities to Serve page for more info on how you can participate.  You can see what projects are currently going on by looking under the Projects tab.  You can also follow us  on Facebook.

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